
Electronic Medical Records – all the rage at the Digital Health Festival

June 9, 2023|Categories: Blog, Health tech, Research|Tags: , |

The Digital Health Festival (DHF) was mega. Australia’s largest digital health transformation event brought together the entire health eco-system (hospitals, primary & allied care, aged care, pharmacy, research and policy).  My Health Story (MHS) Founder Soula Mantalvanos and codirector Theo Mantalvanos enjoyed every minute of connecting, learning, aligning, and plugging MHS to a digital-health-famished audience. Their standout sentiment aligned with each attendee’s shared mission to improve the quality of care.  MHS was in the best place to boast a unique approach to self-managed care for chronic conditions and to share its goal to position people as data stewards of their health [...]

Meet My Health Story at the Digital Health Festival

June 3, 2023|Categories: Blog|

The Digital Health Festival is Australia’s largest digital health transformation event. The Digital Health Festival brings together Australia’s entire health eco-system, including hospitals, primary & allied care, aged care, pharmacy, research and policy. As an aspiring new health tech innovator, My Health Story is keen to mingle with healthcare professionals, organisations, services and groups specifically interested in tailoring care for people with complex health issues. MHS has made many friends and connections online over the past two years, so it’ll be great to meet them in real life finally! […]

Introducing My Health Story friend, Wise Psychology

April 24, 2023|Categories: Affiliate, Blog, Using My Health Story|Tags: , , , , , |

Seeking mental health support when living with an invisible illness is essential to the care and well-being process. Finding high-quality and accessible mental health support tailored to your needs can be difficult. Wise Psychology, My Health Story’s (MHS) latest friend, could be your answer to this problem! Chronic illness has a substantial psychological and emotional component, including stress, anxiety, guilt, grief, shame, and depression. People living with invisible chronic conditions can be left feeling their illness is ‘all in their head’. However, we know that depression, anxiety and stress significantly correlate with chronic illness and additional burdens that no one should face alone. […]

Soula’s Recent Chat with Painaustralia’s new CEO, Giulia Jones

April 11, 2023|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Media|Tags: |

Recently, Soula Mantalvanos had the opportunity to speak with Giulia Jones, the new CEO of Painaustralia. Giulia and Soula had a lengthy conversation covering the frustrations of living with chronic pain – the main issues being its invisible nature, access to treatments, and its impact on communities across Australia (worldwide, actually). Despite the seriousness of their discussion, they still managed to share a few laughs – Giulia is easy to speak with and wonderfully straightforward!

A Beginners Guide to Chronic Pain: Causes, Types, Diagnosis and Treatments

March 30, 2023|Categories: Blog, Education|

A Beginners Guide to Chronic Pain: Causes, Types, Diagnosis and Treatments. Original blog posted on More GoodDays and written by Mandy Mercuri, PhD Science, Lived Experience Pain Advocate and My Health Story Advisory Member. What is pain? It’s that unpleasant sense that you feel somewhere (and sometimes everywhere) in your body that you probably know TOO well. So we will look at the purpose of pain to answer this question.

Own Your Health Data

March 30, 2023|Categories: Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Self-management is hard, chronic illness is overwhelming. Chronic illness robs you of your independence and control, leaving you feeling defeated and mentally and physically drained. Add to the endless appointments required; now, we also have to be considerate of healthcare systems under pressure. Guess who gets the short end of the stick? We pay with our lives. Perhaps healthcare systems were destined to burst their stitches because healthCARE was never built to care for people; it was made to keep people relying on it. That's not care. Can taking more ownership of our health make a difference?


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