Introducing My Health Story friend, Wise Psychology

2023-04-29T10:44:05+10:00April 24, 2023|Affiliate, Blog, Using My Health Story|

Seeking mental health support when living with an invisible illness is essential to the care and well-being process. Finding high-quality and accessible mental health support tailored to your needs can be difficult. Wise Psychology, My Health Story’s (MHS) latest friend, could be your answer to this problem! Chronic illness has a substantial psychological and emotional component, including stress, anxiety, guilt, grief, shame, and depression. People living with invisible chronic conditions can be left feeling their illness is ‘all [...]

Soula’s Recent Chat with Painaustralia’s new CEO, Giulia Jones

2023-07-30T14:46:00+10:00April 11, 2023|Advocacy, Blog, Media|

Recently, Soula Mantalvanos had the opportunity to speak with Giulia Jones, the new CEO of Painaustralia. Giulia and Soula had a lengthy conversation covering the frustrations of living with chronic pain – the main issues being its invisible nature, access to treatments, and its impact on communities across Australia (worldwide, actually). Despite the seriousness of their discussion, they still managed to share a few laughs – Giulia is easy to speak with and wonderfully straightforward!

Own Your Health Data

2023-03-30T14:34:37+11:00March 30, 2023|Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

Self-management is hard, chronic illness is overwhelming. Chronic illness robs you of your independence and control, leaving you feeling defeated and mentally and physically drained. Add to the endless appointments required; now, we also have to be considerate of healthcare systems under pressure. Guess who gets the short end of the stick? We pay with our lives. Perhaps healthcare systems were destined to burst their stitches because healthCARE was never built to care for people; it was made to keep people relying on it. That's not care. Can taking more ownership of our health make a difference?

Women in Business Times News Group Feature

2023-03-05T11:39:38+11:00March 3, 2023|Media, Media Releases|

As featured in Women in Business, International Women’s Day edition of the Bellarine Times. Soula Mantalvanos is an entrepreneur who has dedicated herself to making a difference for people living with chronic illness. This mission stems from her experience after an injury in 2007. Despite visiting multiple health professionals, Soula was misdiagnosed for 4.5 years and left with chronic pain. This personal experience inspired her to create a solution for others facing similar challenges. With her company, OOI [...]

Jaspen, Your Ally in Chronic Pain

2023-04-26T15:09:42+10:00February 2, 2023|Affiliate, Blog, Health Management|

As My Health Story (MHS) knows, one of the biggest challenges for people living with chronic pain is receiving validation. Finding a diagnosis and, once that occurs, being taken seriously and provided adequate support. MHS is happy to introduce an additional partner within the chronic disease world, Jaspen. Jaspen believe that data can attract the right medical team and access the appropriate care. And data communicated from the hands of its owner can empower people to feel in [...]

The My Health Story 2022 Survey Outcome Report

2022-12-16T12:20:46+11:00December 16, 2022|Blog, Research|

The My Health Story (MHS) 2022 Survey Outcome Report was conducted through 2022. The user feedback information was collected from MHS current subscribers, viewers of patient health stories (carers, practitioners, clinicians, etc) and website visitors such as healthcare professionals who have a strong interest in patient empowerment, enhancing care for people living with chronic illness as well as new technologies relating to chronic health.  User feedback data was collected from responses to this MHS survey. The MHS 2022 Survey [...]

Visualising Health with My Health Story Founder, Soula Mantalvanos

2022-10-09T12:54:01+11:00October 9, 2022|Blog, Education, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

In this 15-minute Vimeo, founder of My Health Story, Soula Mantalvanos, discusses how she believes visualising the personal health experience can lead to better care and understanding. Soula combines her years of living with chronic pain and her professional creative communication experience to advocate for a better quality of care. […]

MHS New Feature: Print My Health Story

2022-10-04T11:30:45+11:00September 24, 2022|Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

(IMAGE: Judy Darling prints her health story via the website) An exciting new feature is helping MHS users communicate their unique health situations more easily during appointments. My Health Story (MHS) has always prioritised the safe sharing of user health stories. The current MHS Access Link function effectively tracks information for users who like to monitor whose checking in to their health story/stories, and when and how often. Over the past few months, some user feedback sent to [...]

Soula Presents her Lived Experience at the CODA Conference 2022

2022-09-24T12:08:46+10:00September 24, 2022|Advocacy, Blog, Education|

(Vimeo: Soula's lived experience forms part of Dr Paul Grinzi's Management of Persistent Pain in Primary Care workshop at the Australian CODA Conference 2022).  My Health Story (MHS) founder Soula Mantalvanos was invited to contribute her lived experience to the Management of Persistent Pain in Primary Care workshop created by General Practitioner & Medical Educator Dr Paul Grinzi. The four-day (IRL) CODA conference was held at the Melbourne Convention Centre, and healthcare practitioners and clinicians working in various health sectors attended from the US, NZ and Australia. Participants worked together as Dr Grinzi presented educational resources such as science-based evidence, videos, and examples to clarify the understanding of chronic pain through the four-hour workshop. Everyone shared their experiences, knowledge and ideas.

My Health Story Helping with Stroke Rehabilitation

2023-02-02T11:39:49+11:00July 27, 2022|Blog, Media Releases|

My Health Story (MHS) helped 76-year-old Helen Sharam* work with her physiotherapist immediately after an overwhelmed hospital system moved Mrs Sharam from rehabilitation to home too quickly. Thanks to MHS, the physiotherapist knew Mrs Sharam’s medical history before meeting her. Physio CL said: “Having all that information to hand online before I met Mrs Sharam helped me manage the appointment better so I could focus on providing the care. In addition, it helped me to connect more easily [...]

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