Dr Gronski & Team on Blocking Pudendal Nerve Pain

2024-11-15T15:39:23+11:00November 15, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management|

Dr Gronski & Team have many patients asking questions about pudendal nerve blocks for pelvic pain. So they created this video with licensed Occupational Therapist and Certified Pelvic Health Specialist Lainie Givens, who explains pudendal nerve blocks for diagnosis and treatment of pudendal neuralgia while also offering additional tips to help patients find relief from pelvic pain – it is possible! Watch or jump specific video chapters: […]

MoreGoodDays Have Found MoreGoodWays to Help With Your Recovery

2024-11-15T15:27:08+11:00November 15, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management|

My Health Story Friends, MoreGoodDays understand how tough living with back pain can be—whether it's from sciatica, a disc bulge, or something less clear. It's exhausting, frustrating, and can make everyday activities feel impossible. Bringing the best experts, scientists and clinicians from around the world, the team at MoreGoodDays has been busy working on a new program that is specifically for ongoing back pain. Bringing you insights from leading experts in pain: Your Content Goes Here [...]

Soula’s Greatest Tips for Chronic Health Management

2023-09-26T12:39:45+10:00September 26, 2023|Blog, Health Management|

My Health Story founder, Soula Mantalvanos, has offered some helpful tips since beginning her advocacy in 2011 and launching pudendalnerve.com.au. We've collated some of Soula's most popular blogs on easing the pressure when sitting and travelling and included her most recent discovery about the effects of inflammation, which is proving to be a critical factor in helping with the management of any chronic health issue.

My Health Story Welcomes More Good Days – More Empowerment for Individuals living with Fibromyalgia

2023-06-30T15:01:53+10:00June 30, 2023|Blog, Friends of MHS, Health Management|

My Health Story Welcomes More Good Days – More Empowerment for Individuals living with Fibromyalgia

Introducing My Health Story friend, Wise Psychology

2023-04-29T10:44:05+10:00April 24, 2023|Affiliate, Blog, Using My Health Story|

Seeking mental health support when living with an invisible illness is essential to the care and well-being process. Finding high-quality and accessible mental health support tailored to your needs can be difficult. Wise Psychology, My Health Story’s (MHS) latest friend, could be your answer to this problem! Chronic illness has a substantial psychological and emotional component, including stress, anxiety, guilt, grief, shame, and depression. People living with invisible chronic conditions can be left feeling their illness is ‘all [...]

Own Your Health Data

2023-03-30T14:34:37+11:00March 30, 2023|Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

Self-management is hard, chronic illness is overwhelming. Chronic illness robs you of your independence and control, leaving you feeling defeated and mentally and physically drained. Add to the endless appointments required; now, we also have to be considerate of healthcare systems under pressure. Guess who gets the short end of the stick? We pay with our lives. Perhaps healthcare systems were destined to burst their stitches because healthCARE was never built to care for people; it was made to keep people relying on it. That's not care. Can taking more ownership of our health make a difference?

Jaspen, Your Ally in Chronic Pain

2023-04-26T15:09:42+10:00February 2, 2023|Affiliate, Blog, Health Management|

As My Health Story (MHS) knows, one of the biggest challenges for people living with chronic pain is receiving validation. Finding a diagnosis and, once that occurs, being taken seriously and provided adequate support. MHS is happy to introduce an additional partner within the chronic disease world, Jaspen. Jaspen believe that data can attract the right medical team and access the appropriate care. And data communicated from the hands of its owner can empower people to feel in [...]

MHS New Feature: Print My Health Story

2022-10-04T11:30:45+11:00September 24, 2022|Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

(IMAGE: Judy Darling prints her health story via the website) An exciting new feature is helping MHS users communicate their unique health situations more easily during appointments. My Health Story (MHS) has always prioritised the safe sharing of user health stories. The current MHS Access Link function effectively tracks information for users who like to monitor whose checking in to their health story/stories, and when and how often. Over the past few months, some user feedback sent to [...]

Presenting My Pain Management Story and Vision at the Murray City Coast Country GP Training

2022-06-12T10:40:01+10:00December 6, 2021|Blog, Media, Using My Health Story|

(Original post by Soula Mantalvanos for pudendalnerve.com.au) It was wonderful sharing my story and vision at the Murray City Coast Country GP Training. AND especially presenting on a stage and in actual physical life to 50 general practitioners (GPs) who were keen to learn about chronic pain. I've now participated in a few of the Murray City Coast Country (MCCC) GP Training sessions with the fabulous Dr Paul Grinzi (boy, does he get it!). It's a positive experience for [...]

Pain Management Network: Communicating & building your healthcare team

2022-06-12T10:58:54+10:00August 1, 2021|Blog, Health Management|

Living with a chronic condition means that you will have a different role with your healthcare providers than you would have if you had a short-term illness. Your role in managing your condition will be a more pro-active one where you will be involved in making decisions about many things that affect you, your healthcare management, your family, and your lifestyle.

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