
Team PainTrain MHS Raise Over $1,200 for Research

November 2, 2021|Categories: Blog, Research|Tags: , |

Thank you From all of us at Team PainTrain MHS we thank you for helping us raise more than our set target of $1,000. Chronic pain research in rural areas will receive a total contribution of $1,236 from Team PainTrain MHS towards an overall total of $76,186. Mandy Mercuri, Deb Thompson, Soula & Theo Mantalvanos walked 281kms – well beyond their anticipated goal and we loved every minute of it. Money you raise as part of Pain Revolution's Challenge goes to support people in pain, and their practitioners, in rural and regional Australia through the Pain Revolution initiatives. Once again, thank you all for your [...]

Bronwyn Thompson, PhD, MSc (Psych): Making the First Contact

October 18, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Management, Research|Tags: |

There's so much to love about Bronwyn's work. As a resource that is so heavily focused on the identity and experience of the person living with chronic pain, PainTrain My Health Summary believe the approaches explained by Bronwyn is key to successfully helping people manage their complex journeys. A patient's introduction to a new practitioner is a stressful time and one that requires clear communication and empathy. A PainTrain health summary works as an exceptional aid to this scenario. Empowering patients by listening and grasping their experiences as well as accepting them without judgment should be step one in the management of chronic pain. Thank you Bronnie!

Book a Call / Video Consult

September 25, 2021|Categories: Blog, Using My Health Story|

As health tech creeps up in the medical industry, it's becoming clearer healthcare's direction is changing and PainTrain MHS are thrilled that people are finally being placed in the driver's seat. Patients: have you thought about trying to enhance your voice at appointments? Have you wanted to tell your story your way and elaborate on the version your General Practitioner writes in the referral letter? Do you feel unheard during ongoing appointments and that no one truly understands your situation? Practitioners: have you been left feeling you wanted to do more for your patients or that you could help them more if you were able [...]

Pain Management Network: Communicating & building your healthcare team

August 1, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Management|Tags: , , |

Living with a chronic condition means that you will have a different role with your healthcare providers than you would have if you had a short-term illness. Your role in managing your condition will be a more pro-active one where you will be involved in making decisions about many things that affect you, your healthcare management, your family, and your lifestyle.

Soula’s Pain Management Video Resources

March 27, 2021|Categories: Blog, Health Management|Tags: , , , |

A video library is forming on! Soula's advocacy has transformed into video conversations with some of the people who have made a significant impact in her pain management and/or who have inspired Soula in some way. It's one thing for Soula to present her thoughts about these people but quite another to hear them explain their point of view. Soula presents chats with Theo Mantalvanos on being a 'carer', she reunites with her diagnosing physiotherapist Anne-Florence Plante (now working in Marsais, France) who shares her wealth of knowledge specifically on what pain is and the role of trauma. Deb Thompson – a creative kindred spirit who lives with pain gives her perspective of what it's like living with pain and communicating it. We also learn about the Alexander Technique from Maddy Lock who worked with Soula during one of Soula's toughest pain years, Amy Eicher talks about pain coaching and Soula presents a couple of videos about her daily life. 

Song II by Michael Leunig Special Edition for Pain Revolution

January 30, 2020|Categories: Blog, Media|

Each year, Pain Revolution and a team of passionate and dedicated cyclists hit the road in order to host free community-based pain education to both health professionals and the general public. This year they’ll be riding from Geelong through Queenscliff and straight past Soula and Theo’s gallery, Queenscliff Gallery & Workshop (QG&W), to regional Victoria. Raising funds To help with the fundraiser this year, Soula turned to kindred spirits – artists are pretty empathic creatures. The first who came to mind was Michael Leunig, his work and thoughts fitting for the chronic pain subject. Of course, Michael Leunig said, ‘Yes’… so too did Theo! And [...]

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