Talking Health Tech

Soula’s forced patient position has landed her in some excellent healthcare professionals and health organisations companies over the past 14 years. 

Soula joined pain organisations, forums and online groups and has told her story in the media and at conferences to help with pain management training and the establishment of great connections through her advocacy website

But! Soula doesn’t want to just keep repeating her story; our founder likes to inspire change!

“I wanted to join a community that grasped creative communication, design and ideation relating to health. I wanted to be with conceptualists where ideas are produced and not measured (data, data, data… boring!).”

In her attempts to implement PainTrain MHS formally into the healthcare industry, she found herself bumping into the Health Tech communities more and more. This is a world of movers and shakers, and one such community is Talking Healthtech (THT).

THT was founded by Peter Birch. Peter worked in management roles in healthcare organisations for over 15 years; big ones and small ones, innovative startups and slow-moving beasts; he’s seen all different kinds. Pete has experienced the exciting developments and the frustrating stagnation of all the ups and downs in health.

On finding the THT community online, Soula says,

“Now, I’m not saying chronic pain researchers aren’t movers and shakers, but I feel like I’m static in their world, just repeating my story over and over. ‘Lived experience’ is becoming as tiresome as ‘journey’. Now there’s ‘Narrative Medicine’, which are all great descriptors, but the effect of those words on people living in pain right now, feels still?

How many times can we repeat the same information? People get it, practitioners hear it; pain is complex, and you need to listen to the patient more… but can we get on with the fixing it bit now, please?”

Patients are left waiting for new treatments, explaining and attempting to validate their experiences right now. Healthcare professionals are left with few ways to help patients, and to add to that, the whole med thing has turned the nightmare twofold for both patients AND the practitioner.

Or are they? You’ll have to sign up to and view the amazing innovations and achievements going on in healthcare.

Healthcare practitioners – you have to sign up to Talking Healthtech. The resources are abundant. 

People living in pain who are interested in the future of healthcare can still listen to the podcasts and sign up for the newsletter. Remember, you’re driving your pain management and you are in a position to inspire your practitioners by informing them of new systems (have you told them about PainTrain MHS yet?).

Talking HealthTech is a place to learn from future thinkers, innovators, founders, and professionals making significant changes within the industry and a place to share your knowledge and connect.

Soula got to sit in ‘The Hot Seat With Pete‘, a feature open to all members as a paying member. It’s a quick 15-minute video chat where members introduce themselves – so a brilliant place for Soula to talk about PainTrain MHS. Sign up to view the video, which is shared with the broader community.