
Rebrand Announcement: My Health Story

February 12, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

The PainTrain My Health Summary team is thrilled to announce they will be rebranding to My Health Story. Keep reading because there are more announcements about the new website as well as a subscription offer of a lifetime... The consumer survey distributed to PainTrain MHS Advisory members, subscribers, and followers formed a clear decision to rename the health summarising resource to My Health Story. At close second was My Health History. In addition, the survey results indicated the much-needed requirement for an App version of the resource and more functionality for Affiliates and subscribers seeking more straightforward ways to access and include health information from their GPs. The development work has begun behind the scenes, and a new website is forming – we'll keep you up to date! BUT we also need a little support if we're going to make it to the blaring request for a My Health Story App. We've got an offer of a lifetime. Keep reading! (Can't wait to hear our offer of a lifetime? Bursting to support us? Then hit it!)

Reflections About Pain

January 16, 2022|Categories: Blog, Research|Tags: , |

The brain does not have to make a “decision” as to how we should perceive the sound.  But whether we interpret that loud sound as thunder, a car backfiring, a cannon firing, or as a bomb exploding is a matter of perception. We can always check and find out whether our interpretation is correct. Thus, we may be mistaken about the cause of activation of the auditory (“hearing”) apparatus but, to reiterate, we cannot be mistaken about the experience of having heard the sound. This sensation is “given” to us. The same can be said of pain. We are not mistaken when we experience pain. But we may come up with a number of different interpretations of the experience.

2021 Done, Dusted… and Destined

December 19, 2021|Categories: Blog, Using My Health Story|Tags: |

There's a lot not to like about 2021, but the team at PainTrain MHS are focused on progress, growth and living and learning. That means we look at the takeaways of experiences past to direct us on the way forward. There is much to look forward to – expectations of better healthcare are high. That's very much due to the recent announcement that Telehealth is here to stay. Of course, every person living with a chronic illness or disability could have asserted Telehealth's importance on healthcare – it should not have taken a pandemic to get us here. But we are here now, so [...]

Presenting My Pain Management Story and Vision at the Murray City Coast Country GP Training

December 6, 2021|Categories: Blog, Media, Using My Health Story|Tags: , , , |

(Original post by Soula Mantalvanos for It was wonderful sharing my story and vision at the Murray City Coast Country GP Training. AND especially presenting on a stage and in actual physical life to 50 general practitioners (GPs) who were keen to learn about chronic pain. I've now participated in a few of the Murray City Coast Country (MCCC) GP Training sessions with the fabulous Dr Paul Grinzi (boy, does he get it!). It's a positive experience for so many reasons. Firstly, the patient experience incorporated into GP training is great for obvious reasons as nothing beats learning from the lived experience. But I feel [...]

Talking HealthTech: Soula in the Hot Seat With Pete

November 13, 2021|Categories: Blog, Media|Tags: , , |

Soula joined pain organisations, forums and online groups and has told her story in the media and at conferences to help with pain management training and the establishment of great connections through her advocacy website But! Soula doesn't want to just keep repeating her story; our founder likes to inspire change! "I wanted to join a community that grasped creative communication, design and ideation relating to health. I wanted to be with conceptualists where ideas are produced and not measured (data, data, data… boring!)." In her attempts to implement PainTrain MHS formally into the healthcare industry, she found herself bumping into the Health Tech communities more and more. This is a world of movers and shakers, and one such community is Talking Healthtech (THT). THT was founded by Peter Birch. Peter worked in management roles in healthcare organisations for over 15 years; big ones and small ones, innovative startups and slow-moving beasts; he's seen all different kinds. Pete has experienced the exciting developments and the frustrating stagnation of all the ups and downs in health.

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