Dr Gronski & Team on Blocking Pudendal Nerve Pain

2024-11-15T15:39:23+11:00November 15, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management|

Dr Gronski & Team have many patients asking questions about pudendal nerve blocks for pelvic pain. So they created this video with licensed Occupational Therapist and Certified Pelvic Health Specialist Lainie Givens, who explains pudendal nerve blocks for diagnosis and treatment of pudendal neuralgia while also offering additional tips to help patients find relief from pelvic pain – it is possible! Watch or jump specific video chapters: […]

Soula Presents at the RACGP Chronic Disease Workshop

2023-11-18T11:09:02+11:00November 18, 2023|Advocacy, Blog, Education, Health Management|

My Health Story founder, Soula Mantalvanos, was recently invited to share her valuable expertise for GP training, once again highlighting the significance of lived experience for chronic pain management education. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) GP training session, ‘An approach to non-cancer pain,’ was hosted by Dr Paul Grinzi on Wednesday, 15 November 2023, in Melbourne. Soula’s 20-minute presentation included details of her 4.5-year medical odyssey that led to her chronic illness – one she believes could have been completely avoided with educational training sessions such as the one she was presenting at. Soula began her presentation by stating the vision and mission that have driven her advocacy and to becoming the founder of pudendalnerve.com.au and My Health Story: Understanding the unique lived experience is critical to tailored care and relieving the global burden of disease.

Reflections About Pain

2022-06-12T10:31:23+10:00January 16, 2022|Blog, Research|

The brain does not have to make a “decision” as to how we should perceive the sound.  But whether we interpret that loud sound as thunder, a car backfiring, a cannon firing, or as a bomb exploding is a matter of perception. We can always check and find out whether our interpretation is correct. Thus, we may be mistaken about the cause of activation of the auditory (“hearing”) apparatus but, to reiterate, we cannot be mistaken about the experience of having heard the sound. This sensation is “given” to us. The same can be said of pain. We are not mistaken when we experience pain. But we may come up with a number of different interpretations of the experience.

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