Electronic Medical Records – all the rage at the Digital Health Festival

2023-06-09T11:53:23+10:00June 9, 2023|Blog, Health tech, Research|

The Digital Health Festival (DHF) was mega. Australia’s largest digital health transformation event brought together the entire health eco-system (hospitals, primary & allied care, aged care, pharmacy, research and policy).  My Health Story (MHS) Founder Soula Mantalvanos and codirector Theo Mantalvanos enjoyed every minute of connecting, learning, aligning, and plugging MHS to a digital-health-famished audience. Their standout sentiment aligned with each attendee’s shared mission to improve the quality of care.  MHS was in the best place to boast [...]

The My Health Story 2022 Survey Outcome Report

2022-12-16T12:20:46+11:00December 16, 2022|Blog, Research|

The My Health Story (MHS) 2022 Survey Outcome Report was conducted through 2022. The user feedback information was collected from MHS current subscribers, viewers of patient health stories (carers, practitioners, clinicians, etc) and website visitors such as healthcare professionals who have a strong interest in patient empowerment, enhancing care for people living with chronic illness as well as new technologies relating to chronic health.  User feedback data was collected from responses to this MHS survey. The MHS 2022 Survey [...]

Founder of My Health Story, Authors JMIR Paper About Injured Workers

2022-06-11T15:47:39+10:00April 13, 2022|Blog, Research|

My Health Story founder, contributes to a paper about self-management and self-care with regard to managing complex injuries and workers' compensation claims. What Injured Workers With Complex Claims Look For in Online Communities: Netnographic Analysis Authored by Michelle Manning Hutson, Sarah M Hosking , Soula Mantalvanos, Michael Berk, Julie Pasco, Trisha Dunning

Reflections About Pain

2022-06-12T10:31:23+10:00January 16, 2022|Blog, Research|

The brain does not have to make a “decision” as to how we should perceive the sound.  But whether we interpret that loud sound as thunder, a car backfiring, a cannon firing, or as a bomb exploding is a matter of perception. We can always check and find out whether our interpretation is correct. Thus, we may be mistaken about the cause of activation of the auditory (“hearing”) apparatus but, to reiterate, we cannot be mistaken about the experience of having heard the sound. This sensation is “given” to us. The same can be said of pain. We are not mistaken when we experience pain. But we may come up with a number of different interpretations of the experience.

Team PainTrain MHS Raise Over $1,200 for Research

2022-06-12T11:01:02+10:00November 2, 2021|Blog, Research|

Thank you From all of us at Team PainTrain MHS we thank you for helping us raise more than our set target of $1,000. Chronic pain research in rural areas will receive a total contribution of $1,236 from Team PainTrain MHS towards an overall total of $76,186. Mandy Mercuri, Deb Thompson, Soula & Theo Mantalvanos walked 281kms – well beyond their anticipated goal and we loved every minute of it. Money you raise as part of Pain Revolution's [...]

Bronwyn Thompson, PhD, MSc (Psych): Making the First Contact

2022-06-12T11:00:21+10:00October 18, 2021|Blog, Health Management, Research|

There's so much to love about Bronwyn's work. As a resource that is so heavily focused on the identity and experience of the person living with chronic pain, PainTrain My Health Summary believe the approaches explained by Bronwyn is key to successfully helping people manage their complex journeys. A patient's introduction to a new practitioner is a stressful time and one that requires clear communication and empathy. A PainTrain health summary works as an exceptional aid to this scenario. Empowering patients by listening and grasping their experiences as well as accepting them without judgment should be step one in the management of chronic pain. Thank you Bronnie!

User Experience (UX) Research

2019-08-04T14:50:31+10:00March 12, 2018|Blog, Research|

User Experience is a hot topic right now in the digital health world and so the PainTrain team are hot onto it. Thank you to Irith Williams who leads PainTrain through this process and also to Lissanthea Taylor for introducing us to her incredibly resourceful friend! Who better than to begin the UX process than our founder, Soula, who initially had to map out her patient journey (pictured above) before delving into a very cathartic process with sticky [...]

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