About Great Oz

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So far Great Oz has created 60 blog entries.

My Health Story Success: Runway Incubator Program

2025-02-20T14:46:04+11:00February 20, 2025|Achievements, Blog, Media|

My Health Story couldn’t be more thrilled to be successful in their application to join Runway’s much-needed Incubator program Cohort #16, 2025. Soula Mantalvanos, founder of MHS, has been pursuing several funding and support opportunities since 2016 when her dream to change the fragmented care system began. It couldn’t have come in a better form than Runway – an Incubator program held within her Geelong, Victoria, Australia region. The best part is that her co-partner, Theo Mantalvanos, can [...]

Dr Gronski & Team on Blocking Pudendal Nerve Pain

2024-11-15T15:39:23+11:00November 15, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management|

Dr Gronski & Team have many patients asking questions about pudendal nerve blocks for pelvic pain. So they created this video with licensed Occupational Therapist and Certified Pelvic Health Specialist Lainie Givens, who explains pudendal nerve blocks for diagnosis and treatment of pudendal neuralgia while also offering additional tips to help patients find relief from pelvic pain – it is possible! Watch or jump specific video chapters: […]

MoreGoodDays Have Found MoreGoodWays to Help With Your Recovery

2024-11-15T15:27:08+11:00November 15, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management|

My Health Story Friends, MoreGoodDays understand how tough living with back pain can be—whether it's from sciatica, a disc bulge, or something less clear. It's exhausting, frustrating, and can make everyday activities feel impossible. Bringing the best experts, scientists and clinicians from around the world, the team at MoreGoodDays has been busy working on a new program that is specifically for ongoing back pain. Bringing you insights from leading experts in pain: Your Content Goes Here [...]

The Health Festival of Geelong – a Huge Success

2024-07-28T12:26:36+10:00July 27, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management, Media|

My Health Story (MHS) was thrilled to be invited as 'a fellow dedicated health care provider' to the inaugural Health Festival of Geelong last week. The event was a unique opportunity to focus on Health Promotion and increase health literacy. Organised by a team of clinicians, the Health Festival of Geelong was a chance for all stakeholders (patients, carers, professionals, allied healthcare workers, specialists, Government, and more) to discover resources in the region of Geelong Victoria, all in [...]

The Health Festival of Geelong

2024-07-13T10:50:03+10:00June 15, 2024|Blog, Education|

A team of clinicians is organising The Health Festival of Geelong, and My Health Story (MHS) is thrilled to be invited as ‘a fellow dedicated health care provider’ to this inaugural event. MHS look forward to sharing this exciting experience with you. The event is a unique opportunity to focus on Health Promotion and increase your health literacy. It’s a chance to discover resources and knowledge that you may not be aware of in the region, all in [...]

Digital Health Festival 2024 – Start Up Heaven

2024-05-13T09:46:11+10:00May 13, 2024|Blog, Health tech, Media|

What a thrilling two days at the Digital Health Festival 2024 (DHF) at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre! Soula and Theo Mantalvanos, founder and director of My Health Story (MHS), attended the event after being short-listed for the extraordinary opportunity of a booth in the Start-Up Arena. DHF is where 7,000 people whose primary interests and work are in healthcare and progressing the industry through innovation. In short, the DHF is the ultimate place for health-inspired ideas. In the first few hours, it became apparent that the idea of individuals self-managing their health information and coordinating their care was no longer foreign—the DHF audience was well-versed on the topic and eager for a tool to help them better arm and/or understand their patients and clients.

Come and see My Health Story at the Digital Health Festival May 7 – 8, 2024

2024-04-26T10:51:03+10:00April 26, 2024|Blog, Media|

The Digital Health Festival 2024 (DHF24) is just days away, and the My Health Story (MHS) team is getting ready to meet the health industry's movers and shakers. Will you be there? The event is 90% sold out. The DHF24 is all about the future of healthcare – that's why we're there.  As a start-up, MHS is there to present to the healthcare industry and meet possible partners. What is MHS looking for specifically? MHS wants to meet with leaders interested in patient-centred care and patient empowerment. To meet with groups, services, and employees in the healthcare industry that can implement MHS into healthcare, and by that, we mean:

My Health Story at the Digital Health Festival in 2024

2023-12-27T13:51:13+11:00December 27, 2023|Achievements, Blog, Health tech, Media|

The Digital Health Festival (DHF) is Australia's most important health transformation event. DHF is where health leaders meet to learn new skills, assess the latest solutions, network and form partnerships. It's also where they get the chance to meet a select group of 'trailblazing startups' who are out to revolutionise healthcare. My Health Story is thrilled to be accepted as one of these trailblazers presenting at the DHF24 event held 7 - 8 May at the Melbourne Convention [...]

NEW My Health Story Lite

2023-12-27T13:51:35+11:00December 27, 2023|Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

My Health Story (MHS) has seen many growth spurts in its start-up time. Today we release yet another! MHS is thrilled to introduce a new subscription package for users who want to use MHS more 'litely'. Enter MHS Lite! We learned that not everyone required their information to sync between the MHS website and handheld devices. Not everyone was necessarily interested in keeping lengthy details, so we narrowed down the main areas of MHS [...]

Soula Presents at the RACGP Chronic Disease Workshop

2023-11-18T11:09:02+11:00November 18, 2023|Advocacy, Blog, Education, Health Management|

My Health Story founder, Soula Mantalvanos, was recently invited to share her valuable expertise for GP training, once again highlighting the significance of lived experience for chronic pain management education. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) GP training session, ‘An approach to non-cancer pain,’ was hosted by Dr Paul Grinzi on Wednesday, 15 November 2023, in Melbourne. Soula’s 20-minute presentation included details of her 4.5-year medical odyssey that led to her chronic illness – one she believes could have been completely avoided with educational training sessions such as the one she was presenting at. Soula began her presentation by stating the vision and mission that have driven her advocacy and to becoming the founder of pudendalnerve.com.au and My Health Story: Understanding the unique lived experience is critical to tailored care and relieving the global burden of disease.

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