The Digital Health Festival 2024 (DHF24) is just days away, and the My Health Story (MHS) team is getting ready to meet the health industry’s movers and shakers.

Will you be there? The event is 90% sold out.

The DHF24 is all about the future of healthcare – that’s why we’re there

As a start-up, MHS is there to present to the healthcare industry and meet possible partners.

What is MHS looking for specifically?

MHS wants to meet with leaders interested in patient-centred care and patient empowerment. To meet with groups, services, and employees in the healthcare industry that can implement MHS into healthcare, and by that, we mean:

  • Create a program where MHS is implemented at the time of discharge from the hospital, where individuals may be embarking on a long recovery journey
  • Introduce MHS to people diagnosed with Dementia or Stroke who may have difficulty expressing their history and day-to-day experiences
  • Introduce MHS to people diagnosed with chronic illnesses where their lived experience needs to be more closely monitored and better understood for them to receive tailored care.
  • Include MHS in health management programs
  • Introduce MHS to businesses and companies that are seeking better outcomes for clients, customers and staff i.e. large corporations focused on employee care, insurance companies interested in preventative care, etc
  • Meet partners who might have ideas on how MHS can be further developed
  • Meet marketing and media partners who can promote MHS – we’re live!
  • Met researchers focused on patient-centred care, patient empowerment, health records or health management,
  • and more!

If you can’t get to the festival, MHS is always ready to meet with you to discuss your interests and potential partnerships and collaborations. Just email us.

To follow MHS throughout the two days at DHF, stay tuned via Instagram and Facebook.