Dr Gronski & Team on Blocking Pudendal Nerve Pain

2024-11-15T15:39:23+11:00November 15, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management|

Dr Gronski & Team have many patients asking questions about pudendal nerve blocks for pelvic pain. So they created this video with licensed Occupational Therapist and Certified Pelvic Health Specialist Lainie Givens, who explains pudendal nerve blocks for diagnosis and treatment of pudendal neuralgia while also offering additional tips to help patients find relief from pelvic pain – it is possible! Watch or jump specific video chapters: […]

MoreGoodDays Have Found MoreGoodWays to Help With Your Recovery

2024-11-15T15:27:08+11:00November 15, 2024|Blog, Education, Health Management|

My Health Story Friends, MoreGoodDays understand how tough living with back pain can be—whether it's from sciatica, a disc bulge, or something less clear. It's exhausting, frustrating, and can make everyday activities feel impossible. Bringing the best experts, scientists and clinicians from around the world, the team at MoreGoodDays has been busy working on a new program that is specifically for ongoing back pain. Bringing you insights from leading experts in pain: Your Content Goes Here [...]

Introducing My Health Story friend, Wise Psychology

2023-04-29T10:44:05+10:00April 24, 2023|Affiliate, Blog, Using My Health Story|

Seeking mental health support when living with an invisible illness is essential to the care and well-being process. Finding high-quality and accessible mental health support tailored to your needs can be difficult. Wise Psychology, My Health Story’s (MHS) latest friend, could be your answer to this problem! Chronic illness has a substantial psychological and emotional component, including stress, anxiety, guilt, grief, shame, and depression. People living with invisible chronic conditions can be left feeling their illness is ‘all [...]

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