My Health Story Success: Runway Incubator Program

2025-02-20T14:46:04+11:00February 20, 2025|Achievements, Blog, Media|

My Health Story couldn’t be more thrilled to be successful in their application to join Runway’s much-needed Incubator program Cohort #16, 2025. Soula Mantalvanos, founder of MHS, has been pursuing several funding and support opportunities since 2016 when her dream to change the fragmented care system began. It couldn’t have come in a better form than Runway – an Incubator program held within her Geelong, Victoria, Australia region. The best part is that her co-partner, Theo Mantalvanos, can [...]

Let’s Be Brave Together

2023-07-20T15:19:05+10:00July 20, 2023|Advocacy, Blog|

A few months ago and just appointed as CEO of Painaustralia, I was chatting to Giulia, who was making time to connect with people living with pain; our next step would be an interview for some media. Instead, I received an awful message.  Giulia is a tough cookie, watch our chat and feel that fire in her! And she’ll be using that fire to put this awful experience to great use – raising funds for So Brave and Painaustralia as she shaves her hair on 31 July. I want us all to get behind her.

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