A video library is forming on pudendalnerve.com.au!

Soula’s advocacy has transformed into video conversations with some of the people who have made a significant impact in her pain management and/or who have inspired Soula in some way.

It’s one thing for Soula to present her thoughts about these people but quite another to hear them explain their point of view.

Soula presents chats with Theo Mantalvanos on being a ‘carer’, she reunites with her diagnosing physiotherapist Anne-Florence Plante (now working in Marsais, France) who shares her wealth of knowledge specifically on what pain is and the role of trauma.

Deb Thompson – a creative kindred spirit who lives with pain gives her perspective of what it’s like living with pain and communicating it. We also learn about the Alexander Technique from Maddy Lock who worked with Soula during one of Soula’s toughest pain years, Amy Eicher talks about pain coaching and Soula presents a couple of videos about her daily life. 

It costs just $10 for a year of access to the videos – and there will be more to come! If you would like to suggest a topic or offer Soula more support for her advocacy there is a $50 annual membership.

For those of you who are registered subscribers on PainTrain, Soula is offering the member resource access FREE! Just pop Soula an email and ask her to set up a code for you.

To become a member and/or to learn more about the video resources visit pudendalnerve.com.au or hit the button!