About Great Oz

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So far Great Oz has created 60 blog entries.

The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre

2021-04-08T12:18:59+10:00March 8, 2019|Blog, Health Management|

Chronic pain resources A summary of online and accessible initiatives and resources Purpose of this resource This resource aims to improve awareness among Primary Health Networks (PHNs) of current online and accessible chronic pain initiatives and resources relevant to primary care in Australia. The information in this resource may be used by PHNs: • To inform the implementation of chronic pain initiatives • To distribute among their networks of primary care providers and consumers PainTrain is listed [...]

Soula Presenting at GPADD18 – Dealing with Addiction Conference

2018-06-13T13:24:32+10:00June 13, 2018|Blog|

In the upcoming GPADD18 conference, Soula will draw on her communication skills as well as her 11 year patient experience and talk about chronic pain’s perception, and also present her pain management resources. Using her personal chronic pain experience and her creative skills as an artist and graphic designer, Soula created pudendalnerve.com.au where she documents her experience and collates her findings about the condition. Soula has come to realise that the key to living with ― and overcoming [...]

User Experience (UX) Research

2019-08-04T14:50:31+10:00March 12, 2018|Blog, Research|

User Experience is a hot topic right now in the digital health world and so the PainTrain team are hot onto it. Thank you to Irith Williams who leads PainTrain through this process and also to Lissanthea Taylor for introducing us to her incredibly resourceful friend! Who better than to begin the UX process than our founder, Soula, who initially had to map out her patient journey (pictured above) before delving into a very cathartic process with sticky [...]

Putting People in Pain in the Driver’s Seat

2020-12-04T13:35:30+11:00February 10, 2018|Blog, Media|

(From the Pain Revolution website) Soula Mantalvanos and Pain Train join the Pain Revolution Community action and learning together is a key part of the Pain Revolution message. We need to include all people in the conversation if we’re going to make the changes needed to reduce the burden of persisting pain. We have some wonderful people in our community that have stories to tell. They don’t ride bikes but that doesn’t keep them on the sidelines. One [...]

Pain Train VICDOC: ‘Time-saving tool for managing chronic pain’

2019-08-04T14:51:18+10:00February 8, 2018|Blog, Media|

Current edition of VICDOC available via the AMA Victoria website Time-saving tool for managing chronic pain Written by Kate James ‘While one in five Australians experience chronic pain (and one in three over 65 years), the National Pain Strategy indicates that many health professionals have limited training in pain management. There is a shortage of pain clinics, public waiting lists are on average two years’ long, and it’s often left to GPs to manage complex conditions in short [...]

How Our Founder Used PT at her Recent Appointment

2019-08-04T14:53:06+10:00November 25, 2017|Blog, Health Management|

(By Soula on pudendalnerve.com.au, My Recent Follow up Appointment) I’ve had loads of information to process after my recent appointment with pain specialist, Dr Nick Christelis. To prevent you all from zoning out (and my backside from having a fit), how about I spread my pain management report out a little? If you’re in a kind of ‘I can’t be bothered, I’m over it’ and ‘don’t want to hear any recommendations or my brain will burst’ state then [...]

Pain Australia newsletter – Get on Board the Pain Train

2016-12-06T08:14:44+11:00October 2, 2016|Blog|

(Article from the Pain Australia October 2016 newsletter) Soula Mantalvanos knows a lot about living with pain—and the frustrations of retelling her story to every new doctor and health professional. Hoping to make the journey easier, she developed {Pain}Train, an online platform where patients can record and store personal pain-related information, as well as upload reports and test results. Patients can then share their profile with medical practitioners prior to a consultation, and even check if it has [...]

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