Soula uses her many years of chronic pelvic pain to provide an insight into the need for a new approach to living with pain.
Since Soula’s accident, Soula and Theo have:
- Created — a website created to give hope to people with chronic pain and to educate those who treat them
- Self-published Art & Chronic Pain, a simple ‘story-like’ book that helps people with chronic pain explain what it’s like to have the condition
- Presented Soula’s story to 180 practitioners interested in chronic pain at The Alliance for Improving the Management of Pain 2014 in Sydney, Australia
- Created a documentary The Hurting Strings the story of Soula’s non-drug dependent approach to managing and living with chronic pain
- Been interviewed for the 7.30 report – Choosing practitioners on the new website, which enables people to rate, compare and find healthcare practitioners
- Joined the Alcohol & Drug Foundation’s A risk – medication harms campaign
- Soula and PainTrain featured in AMA VICDOC magazine
- Presenting Soula’s patient resources at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) GPADD18 Dealing with Addiction Conference
- Twice been invited to present patient resources at the Murray City Country Coast General Practitioner Training sessions with Dr Paul Grinzi
- Developed a member resource video interview series of the people who have made the most impact on Soula’s pain management
- Been awarded an Australian Government Boosting Female Founders Initiative Mentorship
- Coauthored What Injured Workers With Complex Claims Look For in Online Communities: Netnographic Analysis on the Journal of medical Internet Research.
- Presented to medical students on Tableau about Visualising Health
- Formed part of the Primary Care Workshop at CODA Conference 2022
- Presented on The Journal of Health Design Australia’s Health Design Podcast

Soula and Theo use their decades of professional creative experience to create My Health Story.
Over the past 15 years, Soula has been using her chronic pelvic pain experience to advocate and provide an insight into the need for a new approach to living with an ongoing illness.
Soula’s ability to communicate has stemmed from decades of professional creative experience with her company ooi that she owns with her husband Theo. These two personal and professional experiences have amounted to the creation of My Health Story.
Designing various communication media such as publications, websites, corporate identity, events and much more, for health-focused organisations has given Soula and Theo great insight into chronic health issues such as mental health, dementia, aged care and trauma.
- Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal (ANMJ)
- Berry Street Victoria (helping vulnerable children and young people)
- Fronditha Care (aged care)
- Huntington’s Victoria (Huntington’s Disease)
- Moving Pictures (Dementia for multicultural communities)
- Neami National (mental health)