Soula Presents at the RACGP Chronic Disease Workshop

2023-11-18T11:09:02+11:00November 18, 2023|Advocacy, Blog, Education, Health Management|

My Health Story founder, Soula Mantalvanos, was recently invited to share her valuable expertise for GP training, once again highlighting the significance of lived experience for chronic pain management education. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) GP training session, ‘An approach to non-cancer pain,’ was hosted by Dr Paul Grinzi on Wednesday, 15 November 2023, in Melbourne. Soula’s 20-minute presentation included details of her 4.5-year medical odyssey that led to her chronic illness – one she believes could have been completely avoided with educational training sessions such as the one she was presenting at. Soula began her presentation by stating the vision and mission that have driven her advocacy and to becoming the founder of and My Health Story: Understanding the unique lived experience is critical to tailored care and relieving the global burden of disease.

The My Health Story 2022 Survey Outcome Report

2022-12-16T12:20:46+11:00December 16, 2022|Blog, Research|

The My Health Story (MHS) 2022 Survey Outcome Report was conducted through 2022. The user feedback information was collected from MHS current subscribers, viewers of patient health stories (carers, practitioners, clinicians, etc) and website visitors such as healthcare professionals who have a strong interest in patient empowerment, enhancing care for people living with chronic illness as well as new technologies relating to chronic health.  User feedback data was collected from responses to this MHS survey. The MHS 2022 Survey [...]

User Experience (UX) Research

2019-08-04T14:50:31+10:00March 12, 2018|Blog, Research|

User Experience is a hot topic right now in the digital health world and so the PainTrain team are hot onto it. Thank you to Irith Williams who leads PainTrain through this process and also to Lissanthea Taylor for introducing us to her incredibly resourceful friend! Who better than to begin the UX process than our founder, Soula, who initially had to map out her patient journey (pictured above) before delving into a very cathartic process with sticky [...]

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