Own Your Health Data

2023-03-30T14:34:37+11:00March 30, 2023|Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

Self-management is hard, chronic illness is overwhelming. Chronic illness robs you of your independence and control, leaving you feeling defeated and mentally and physically drained. Add to the endless appointments required; now, we also have to be considerate of healthcare systems under pressure. Guess who gets the short end of the stick? We pay with our lives. Perhaps healthcare systems were destined to burst their stitches because healthCARE was never built to care for people; it was made to keep people relying on it. That's not care. Can taking more ownership of our health make a difference?

MHS New Feature: Print My Health Story

2022-10-04T11:30:45+11:00September 24, 2022|Blog, Health Management, Using My Health Story|

(IMAGE: Judy Darling prints her health story via the website) An exciting new feature is helping MHS users communicate their unique health situations more easily during appointments. My Health Story (MHS) has always prioritised the safe sharing of user health stories. The current MHS Access Link function effectively tracks information for users who like to monitor whose checking in to their health story/stories, and when and how often. Over the past few months, some user feedback sent to [...]

Preview: My Health Story

2022-03-28T14:36:38+11:00March 27, 2022|Blog, Using My Health Story|

My Health Story presents a way for individuals to communicate their experiences and manage their healthcare better. For healthcare practitioners, it presents an opportunity to diversify your care offering and influence positive behaviour to the overall patient journey. My Health Story takes a holistic view of each unique lived experience and understands that patients are more than their disease. Home — Reference the handy links — Reset your password — Edit your Health Story names and descriptions [...]

Rebrand Announcement: My Health Story

2022-02-12T20:03:10+11:00February 12, 2022|Blog|

The PainTrain My Health Summary team is thrilled to announce they will be rebranding to My Health Story. Keep reading because there are more announcements about the new website as well as a subscription offer of a lifetime... The consumer survey distributed to PainTrain MHS Advisory members, subscribers, and followers formed a clear decision to rename the health summarising resource to My Health Story. At close second was My Health History. In addition, the survey results indicated the much-needed requirement for an App version of the resource and more functionality for Affiliates and subscribers seeking more straightforward ways to access and include health information from their GPs. The development work has begun behind the scenes, and a new website is forming – we'll keep you up to date! BUT we also need a little support if we're going to make it to the blaring request for a My Health Story App. We've got an offer of a lifetime. Keep reading! (Can't wait to hear our offer of a lifetime? Bursting to support us? Then hit it!)

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