Soula is an event in the spotlight. GP’s, we hope to see you at GPADD18
(Article from RACGP June newsletter)

Events in the spotlight
GPADD18 Conference: Saturday and Sunday 4–5 August 2018

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The RACGP Victoria Drug and Alcohol Committee invite you to attend the 2018 conference, GPADD18 – Dealing with Addiction. This conference will address some of the most common addictions and associated conditions that are presented to GPs in their daily practice, including chronic pain, motivational interviewing, hepatitis C and pharmacotherapy.

In 2007, Soula Mantalvanos, Graphic Designer (pictured above), was working on a design brief for a client when the fit-ball she was sitting on exploded. She dropped to a concrete floor, causing her ongoing chronic pain. 

Soula realised that the key to living with, and overcoming, chronic pain is accepting it and taking responsibility for its management. She also found that having to retell and update her story to a range of professionals was time-consuming, tedious and often traumatic. Soula will draw on her communication skills, as well as her 11-year experience as a patient, to talk about the public perception of chronic pain and to present her pain management resources at the Saturday program of the GPADD18 Conference.

View the program, cost and accommodation details.