Song II by Michael Leunig Special Edition for Pain Revolution

2020-02-02T11:29:52+11:00January 30, 2020|Blog, Media|

Each year, Pain Revolution and a team of passionate and dedicated cyclists hit the road in order to host free community-based pain education to both health professionals and the general public. This year they’ll be riding from Geelong through Queenscliff and straight past Soula and Theo’s gallery, Queenscliff Gallery & Workshop (QG&W), to regional Victoria. Raising funds To help with the fundraiser this year, Soula turned to kindred spirits – artists are pretty empathic creatures. The first who [...]

Neos Kosmos Chronic Pain: the Treacherous Disease that Steals the Lives of Thousands

2019-10-04T16:42:32+10:00October 4, 2019|Blog, Media|

(Excerpt from Neos Kosmos feature story by MAΡΙΑ ΚΑΜΠΥΛH 25 September 2019) Πρόκειται για μια ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα καταγραφής του ατομικού ιστορικού των πασχόντων από χρόνιο πόνο έτσι ώστε να μην χρειάζεται κάθε φορά που επισκέπτονται τους διάφορους ειδικούς να επαναλαμβάνουν τις ίδιες πληροφορίες ξανά και ξανά κάτι που είναι τρομερά ψυχοφθόρο για τους ίδιους, όπως μας διαβεβαιώνει η Σούλα εξηγώντας μας πώς ξεκίνησε η ιδέα του Pain train. It is a digital recording platform for chronic pain sufferers' personal [...]

PainTrain Through to Stage 1 of the Victorian Premier’s Design Awards

2019-08-04T14:49:53+10:00July 30, 2018|Blog, Media|

We are thrilled that PainTrain – My Health Summary has been shortlisted for a significant Australian design award. Established by the Victorian Government in 1996 as the Victorian Design Awards, the Victorian Premier’s Design Awards recognise and reward Victorian designers and businesses that display excellence in the way they use design. The awards provide an opportunity for businesses and the community to better understand the role of design in making products, services, spaces and experiences more functional, safe, efficient [...]

Royal Australian College of GP’s news – Soula’s in it!

2018-07-11T14:43:15+10:00July 11, 2018|Blog, Media|

Soula is an event in the spotlight. GP’s, we hope to see you at GPADD18 (Article from RACGP June newsletter) Events in the spotlight GPADD18 Conference: Saturday and Sunday 4–5 August 2018 The RACGP Victoria Drug and Alcohol Committee invite you to attend the 2018 conference, GPADD18 – Dealing with Addiction. This conference will address some of the most common addictions and associated conditions that are presented to GPs in their daily practice, including chronic pain, motivational interviewing, hepatitis C and pharmacotherapy. [...]

Putting People in Pain in the Driver’s Seat

2020-12-04T13:35:30+11:00February 10, 2018|Blog, Media|

(From the Pain Revolution website) Soula Mantalvanos and Pain Train join the Pain Revolution Community action and learning together is a key part of the Pain Revolution message. We need to include all people in the conversation if we’re going to make the changes needed to reduce the burden of persisting pain. We have some wonderful people in our community that have stories to tell. They don’t ride bikes but that doesn’t keep them on the sidelines. One [...]

Pain Train VICDOC: ‘Time-saving tool for managing chronic pain’

2019-08-04T14:51:18+10:00February 8, 2018|Blog, Media|

Current edition of VICDOC available via the AMA Victoria website Time-saving tool for managing chronic pain Written by Kate James ‘While one in five Australians experience chronic pain (and one in three over 65 years), the National Pain Strategy indicates that many health professionals have limited training in pain management. There is a shortage of pain clinics, public waiting lists are on average two years’ long, and it’s often left to GPs to manage complex conditions in short [...]


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