
PainTrain, Pain Revolution & Michael Leunig Unite For the Rural Outreach Tour

January 21, 2020|Categories: Blog|

One thing to be sure of when it comes to pain is its ability to unite people – people that may have never met otherwise. Soula’s fundraising efforts have always included Pain Revolution. In addition to believing that Pain Revolution’s approach to sharing contemporary pain science and building capacity is crucial in how we approach pain care, Pain Revolution also believes in Soula. We all need to stick together. Together, we unite our missions, connections and resources in the hope of making a greater impact.  So Soula and Pain Revolution’s Trevor Barker had an idea this year to invite Michael Leunig, Australian cartoonist, poet and [...]

Neos Kosmos Chronic Pain: the Treacherous Disease that Steals the Lives of Thousands

October 4, 2019|Categories: Blog, Media|Tags: , , |

(Excerpt from Neos Kosmos feature story by MAΡΙΑ ΚΑΜΠΥΛH 25 September 2019) Πρόκειται για μια ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα καταγραφής του ατομικού ιστορικού των πασχόντων από χρόνιο πόνο έτσι ώστε να μην χρειάζεται κάθε φορά που επισκέπτονται τους διάφορους ειδικούς να επαναλαμβάνουν τις ίδιες πληροφορίες ξανά και ξανά κάτι που είναι τρομερά ψυχοφθόρο για τους ίδιους, όπως μας διαβεβαιώνει η Σούλα εξηγώντας μας πώς ξεκίνησε η ιδέα του Pain train. It is a digital recording platform for chronic pain sufferers' personal history so that the person does not have to repeat the same information. It is traumatic, Soula assures us this is where the idea of ​​PainTrain began. [...]

The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre

March 8, 2019|Categories: Blog, Health Management|Tags: , |

Chronic pain resources A summary of online and accessible initiatives and resources Purpose of this resource This resource aims to improve awareness among Primary Health Networks (PHNs) of current online and accessible chronic pain initiatives and resources relevant to primary care in Australia. The information in this resource may be used by PHNs: • To inform the implementation of chronic pain initiatives • To distribute among their networks of primary care providers and consumers PainTrain is listed under 'Other' resources in Table 3: Initiatives and resources to support quality improvement and provide health system support View the full resource Chronic Pain Resources [...]

How Soula Uses PainTrain Through A New Treatment Trial

December 11, 2018|Categories: Blog, Using My Health Story|Tags: , |

Resorting to PainTrain through her spinal cord stimulation trial, Soula wanted to predominately keep her history together and to also document the information once, storing it in a safe place.

Soula Presenting at GPADD18 – Dealing with Addiction Conference

June 13, 2018|Categories: Blog|

In the upcoming GPADD18 conference, Soula will draw on her communication skills as well as her 11 year patient experience and talk about chronic pain’s perception, and also present her pain management resources. Using her personal chronic pain experience and her creative skills as an artist and graphic designer, Soula created where she documents her experience and collates her findings about the condition. Soula has come to realise that the key to living with ― and overcoming ―  chronic pain is accepting it and taking responsibility for its management. She also found that having to retell and update her story to a range of [...]

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