My Health Story Success: Runway Incubator Program

2025-02-20T14:46:04+11:00February 20, 2025|Achievements, Blog, Media|

My Health Story couldn’t be more thrilled to be successful in their application to join Runway’s much-needed Incubator program Cohort #16, 2025. Soula Mantalvanos, founder of MHS, has been pursuing several funding and support opportunities since 2016 when her dream to change the fragmented care system began. It couldn’t have come in a better form than Runway – an Incubator program held within her Geelong, Victoria, Australia region. The best part is that her co-partner, Theo Mantalvanos, can [...]

My Health Story at the Digital Health Festival in 2024

2023-12-27T13:51:13+11:00December 27, 2023|Achievements, Blog, Health tech, Media|

The Digital Health Festival (DHF) is Australia's most important health transformation event. DHF is where health leaders meet to learn new skills, assess the latest solutions, network and form partnerships. It's also where they get the chance to meet a select group of 'trailblazing startups' who are out to revolutionise healthcare. My Health Story is thrilled to be accepted as one of these trailblazers presenting at the DHF24 event held 7 - 8 May at the Melbourne Convention [...]

Australian Government Boosting Female Founders Mentor Wrap-Up

2022-06-13T14:24:03+10:00May 13, 2022|Achievements, Blog|

(Image: Lee Ussher with Theo & Soula Mantalvanos, the final Australian Government Boosting Female Founders mentoring session) Founder Soula Mantalvanos has wrapped up her Boosting Female Founders mentoring grant sessions with Lee Ussher of Buzz Web Media. It has been timely for Soula’s award of this Australian Government grant with telehealth behaviour changes finally being implemented in the healthcare industry post-pandemic. Soula realised how much more support her original project, PainTrain My Health Summary, could offer people living [...]

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